Brown Nosing Followers

by klparry

Hee, hee, heeee…, I was just interrupted by a friend who works on the TV series, Pretty Little Liars. He stopped by to pick up a copy of my novel. He’s plan is to use it as a prop on one of the sets. (Big smile on my face.) Who knows? Maybe it’ll lead to something. Thank you, David!

I try to take some time, every day, to further my education on the writing world and that of publishing. I’ve read and followed author’s blogs, blogs on writing, blogs on publishing both traditional and indie. And frankly, I’m just disgusted with what I’ve been seeing; pointing the finger to the personal blogs of some literary agents and traditionally published writers. Why? Because they are filled with negative ramblings and complains. And though I can put up with some of the negativity, I’ve had it up to here with the endless complaints.

For example. One complains that she has to repeat herself over and over again.

Hello! When you put yourself into a forum that provides instruction, that makes you a teacher and that’s what teachers do. They impart information then repeat the material to make sure the students have grasped it. Then they repeat that same  material to the next group of incoming students.  And really, how hard can it be to direct someone to a previous blog or, for that matter, repost it? 

Another complained that she was getting too many author’s links posted to her Facebook page.

Learn to use your Facebook settings! You can disallow certain types of postings to your page. And, guess what? There’s a delete button at the right hand corner of every post. Point and click!

And, I am particularly feed-up with these people’s smug, elitist, brown-nosing followers. You know the one’s I’m talking about. They gush over any bit of dribble their idol post, commenting on how they agree and adding their own digs.

Replying to an agent’s post that complained of the lack of professionalism by self published authors, one woman wrote that she believed these authors vain and having not bothered to go through the process of even trying to produce quality work.

Are you freaking kidding me? If you had ever published anything, you’d know the fear an author has of having others not like their work for what ever the reason. Sure, there are those that just dive into self publishing without any real idea of what it entails. They haven’t discovered the resources that are available to help perfect their work. And like me, some get sticker shock when they come to realize how much some of these services cost.  Look at the cost of an editor. Average $1.35 per double spaced, single side page. Who can afford that? Well, maybe you can afford to hand over $800.00 for a three hundred page book, but that’s two weeks wages for me. (Yes, I am a peasant.) 

I’ve come across plenty of independent authors that I know have put a tremendous amount of effort into their work. Myself included. They do enlist beta readers, proof readers and put their work up for critiques. Rewrite, rewrite and more rewrites. And yes, often times they could use with more editing but sometimes you just have to make do with what you can do.  

It’s shocking the disdain held, by many in traditional publishing, including authors, for those that self publish.

And as for being vain? Every author, whether self published or supported through traditional publishing is vain. We’d all believe we have talent that we’d like to be recognized. Anyone who says different is lying.

So, in closing, this is what I’ve learned over the last how-ever-many months.

Not to be overly concerned about “these” people’s opinions. 

Not to read the “comments” of brown nose-ers.

There are no rules to self publishing. Nor, for that matter, does there seem to be any for promoting and marketing. But if anyone comes across some send them my way.

Dropping unrequested promo’s, links to your book or author’s page on someone’s site is like letting your dog poop all over their lawn. They don’t like it.

And lastly, don’t be afraid to publish. Just do your best to make it your best.

As for me? I’m not stupid enough to think that my writing couldn’t benefit from the help of a professional editor. But until that opportunity arrives, whether through an agent or a financial windfall, my work will have to stand on its own, imperfect as it may be.


Happy Mother’s Day to my Mother and all my Sisters.

May every sweet smell be a reminder to you of my love.

Until next week. Write on my friend.

~ K. L. Parry ~ Author of “The Pirate’s Daughter and a King’s Ransom”